Prison Fellowship Int’l

Helping prisoners experience transformation through the healing power of the Gospel

About Prison Fellowship Int’l

Prison Fellowship International (PFI) exists to transform the lives of prisoners, their families, and victims through a global network of ministry partners. It aims is to break the cycle of crime and restore lives, worldwide, through Jesus’s love

Through a global network of ministry partners and three powerful programs, PFI is changing the landscape of prisons, prisoners, their families, and the church communities who seek to love them.

The Project:

Prison Fellowship International (PFI) offers a unique model of ministry; it works to equip and assist national affiliates in more than 100 countries to assist the prisoners in their local institutions. In so doing, PFI has developed great expertise in effective capacity-building.

PFI wanted to write a book about its unusual and effective capacity-building model, so they hired me to plan, research, conduct interviews, draft, and ultimately write this

book. Called: Capacity-Building for Nonprofits: A Breakthrough Strategy for Change, this book has greatly assisted stakeholders, donors, and others interested in capacity-building.

PFI has also engaged me to spearhead and write several business plans for its ministry initiative and conduct other strategically-based communications projects.

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