
Providing women with the services and support they need to make a decision about an unexpected pregnancy

About Avail

Avail NYC has been serving those facing unexpected pregnancy since 1992, and it does so in an unusual way. For 25 years, it has been guided by principles of compassion and confidentiality in a strictly non-political environment. The organization seeks to be “the one person” coming alongside New Yorkers who need the kind of listening ear, encouragement, and guidance that Avail provides.

Avail believes that women and men (because men face unexpected pregnancy too) who feel equipped and supported are best able to make confident decisions and face the future with hope. And Avail has served hundreds of people in this capacity.

The Project:

In order to meet the ever-growing need of NYC women and men facing unexpected pregnancies, Avail needed to grow its operating budget. It was engaged in a fundraising campaign to bring its unique and powerful methods of helping those unexpectedly pregnant to a wider audience.

Avail asked me to I write a case for support to help guide the campaign.

I worked with the organization over three months to interview key stakeholders,

determine a treatment, outline, and draft the case statement.

I communicated with lead staff at Avail to identify optimal messaging and tone, and to ensure that the message within the appeal would best resonate with donors.

After several rounds of revisions, we ultimately produced a twelve-page document to help guide and shape the campaign process. The case statement proved helpful to Avail, assisting in its raising its largest gift to date.

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